Wednesday, October 20, 2010

38. Everyone's best friend should be SELF-CONTROL

So I am currently working on being better at a lot of things such as school, working out, finding another job, and other random areas of my life that could use improvement. For me the one thing I know I need to work on most would be controlling myself, EEK! I suck at controlling myself which is why my grades aren't as good as they could be since I consider studying to be the last thing I ever do. I choose to go out to eat instead of run, I sleep instead of get up early enough to make it to work on time, I could go on and on because I lack self-control but I am working on it. Gone are the days where I could go out every night without really any consequence, man being responsible is boring but working hard then playing hard is a lot less stressful.

38. Everyone's best friend should be SELF-CONTROL
If there is something in your life you want to accomplish, like swim the English channel or drink in every one of the fifty states, you should have an abundance of self-control. I put this little tip in the top ten things every person should be good at. Being able to know when you need to walk away or when you should prioritize like study instead of watching television will get you where you want to go. If you do not want to be a sucky person then have some self-control, your the only one who is responsible for your actions so save yourself years of therapy and legal problems by controlling yourself. If you drink a bottle of rum stop yourself from driving, if you are attracted to somebody else's significant other stop yourself from even thinking about touching them, if you have a bag of cookies in your hand stop yourself from eating the entire bag, or if own a belly shirt stop yourself from wearing it. A little self-control goes a long way, oh and Plan B is not birth control its a back up safety net so use a condom so you won't find yourself buying it every week. (Sidenote: we actually have people that literally buy Plan B every week as if that makes sense.)

I am off today and tomorrow which is good because it gives me much needed study time and plus my job seriously is more boring then going to a pen collectors convention. It's bad because I need money almost as bad as I need a drink. Gasp, I think I am going on three weeks sober it's bad I know. The last time I drank was when I got tipsy off a glass of wine with my mom, man what has my life become. Anyway I have a paper to write and lots to learn so the next two days I hope are super productive ones. My body is telling me I need to buy some decongestant asap. I also might need to take my roomie out for a drink she's a little down because she didn't get into nursing school so now she is in the oh my goodness what should I do with my life place which is always a bad place to be in. I personally believe bar therapy is the cheapest form of therapy there is, what can't be solved over a good drink and decent music.....


  1. A pen collectors convention?! Wow, that sounds absolutely horrible!!
    Bar therapy! I totally agree! We could all use a lot more of it! : )

  2. If I ever end up at a pen collectors convention I better have brought a bar with me to survive.
